New Member Application

Greetings, and welcome to the HoA application form!

Horsemen of Apocalypse is a social gaming community. is striving to be a social, helpful, and progressive gaming community. We as a community value proper behaviour, a swell personality and a sense of humour above actual in-game skills. Please keep this in mind when writing your answers.

Please refer to the links below before you start writing your application. Once you submit your application you should have an answer e-mailed back to you within 24 hours.

Good luck, and take your time writing your application! :-)

Please note: You do have multiple chances to join, which means even if your application is denied, you are allowed to write a new one later. Even though you have this opportunity, you should make sure to do it properly the first time as failing at writing your application will decrease your chances of getting accepted later.

Help buttons:
Click the buttons marked with question marks next to questions for a more detailed description!

1. General Information

1.2. Your first name:

1.3. Your age:

1.4. E-mail address:

Important! The e-mail you enter here will be used to make contact with you if we would need to give you a warning for breaking the clan rules.

1.5. Do you own a microphone or headset, and are you willing to use Discord?

Important! Discord is required for membership in HoA.

1.6. Discord ID:

2. Game Information

Fill in the questions for the game that you are intending to play with other HoA members. You can fill these in later after joining. (More games to be added in the future as we expand)

2.1. League of Legends Account info:

Clan HoA resides on the Europe: West realm(EUW), should your account not be on EUW, then a transfer will be necessary.

Summoner name:

3. Final Questions

These are the most important questions of your application. When you are done, do not forget to read through your answers!

3.1. Why do you want to join HoA?

3.2. What do you think you can contribute with to HoA? What do you expect from us?

3.3. How did you come to know of HoA? Link the advertisment thread or give the name of the person you have spoken with.

3.4. Tell us about yourself.

Here is your chance to make your application stand out - HoA is all about it's members, please use this final section of the application. Your chances of getting accepted are greatly increased if you can prove to us that you are a social and dedicated applicant.

3.5 Would you like to be be informed on e-mail if your application is rejected?

Best of luck!